Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blogging in the classroom

Learning about blogging and setting up my own has been exciting and new. I feel like I have come so far with technology. I have started participating in more online activity, like creating my own personal blog. I have even added pictures and music to my personal one. It is such a great way to connect with people from around the world. It is just amazing!

Classroom blogging allows for students to learn and communicate outside of the classroom. After viewing a number of blogs that are school connected, I am amazed at how enthusiastic students are about contributing. I think that newer generations really connect to online technology.

I would really like to have my students use blogging to connect with the Hilton community. I am currently working on a program with a colleague of mine that will use blogging to bring the students together with members of the Hilton community. One idea is to set up a blog and video cam at the library for people to leave messages for my students to respond to.

If you have any other ideas, I would love to hear them!


Unknown said...

I'd love to see the blog you and your colleague will use to connect to the community. I hope you'll share the link with me.

Kevin Markman said...

Your blog looks great. It would be nice if others had ideas or examples that they have seen. The only idea of it that I have is that one commercial where the kids are in school having a staring contest over the internet. Something like that would be pretty amazing.

I am looking forward to developing it with the students. I think it may be something that they get into as well since you have so much excitement for it.

I was able to switch into the other class you are in so maybe after that day we can get things going if you have not done so already.

How did you do the link to the Katrina relief on your blog, I did not learn that as of yet.
