Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Best Tool?

Wow, I've become overwhelmed with ideas for all of the tools we have learned about in this course. I mentioned earlier that I have started to create a website for my classroom, but after viewing a number of wikis created by other course members, I think this is what I want to persue. The wiki has so many options, and I loved seeing the pages run by the students. It is so great how everyone can contribute and be creative with what they use their page for. I would really like to be able to post my calendar and daily assignments for students to view from any where. I am also working with Kevin on a community blog, but we could just have a separate page on the wiki for that project. This will make it easier for the students just having one place to go and have everything right there in front of them. I am anxious to get started!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd love to see your wiki once you get it started. I hope you'll share the URL with me.