Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wiki in the Classroom

Wikis are such a great tool to utilize in the classroom. I really like the how students, parents, and other teachers have the ability to add and obtain information. It was a little confusing to view, especially when people are changing it all of the time. There is a lot of new vocabulary to learn (amazing how technology advances so quickly these days).

I am currently taking a online course that uses a wiki to exchange information and comments on young adult literature. I love that I can go to one place and see what others have to say. It is very easy to add comments. The formatting is organized and the Word like format is easy to use.

I still am a little confused on the plus and minus of both blogs and wikis. I was very impressed with the younger grade levels using the wiki at Village. It is amazing to see how technologically savvy the students are at that age. I would really like to get more active in using this in my classroom to help me to become better acclimated with it.

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