Thursday, January 31, 2008

School 2.0

It is so refreshing to hear that the Department of Education is aware of the need for change in our schools. I am always worried that they are sticking with what we have always done because it is easy. Students have already embraced the change through the technology at home, cell phones, computers, MySpace, etc. It is school that has not caught on and needs to create a learning environment that is relevent to today's global economy.

The cost does seem high to make the changes necessary for School 2.0 to work. As I read in another blog, I like the idea of creating a space in the community with free wi-fi. It does exist in many restaurants and public spaces. It is very difficult as a teacher to rely on email and other online resources when not all students have access to it at home. I know of a few schools that provide all students with laptops, which would be so helpful.

I hope that the country will acknowledge the need for drastic change in American education. The School 2.0 map is an excellent layout to illustrate the possibilities out there for our students.

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