Thursday, January 31, 2008

Collaborative Project

Kevin Honeycutt's presentation was really great to hear. His delivery was fun and caring at the same time. He is very aware of the way the world works today, and preparing our students for the work place. I like the idea of students leading the project, and the teacher as the facilitator. Providing guidelines to students allows them to discover the information they gather. Today's students are very competitive and it was interesting to hear how the projects brought that out of both teams. Learning to to work together is an important skill to develop in our students. This year I only have two students so it would be difficult to create a project similar to the airplane one, but it would be a great opportunity to co-teach with another class.

I am currently doing a project that my students are working on in math where they are given a problem and need to brainstorm all of the steps to get the output. I am trying to have them figure out how we would order a pizza lunch for the entire school. They need to come up with all of the components needed (ex. number of people, how much food, prices, etc.) These types of projects and approach to learning help students develop the problem solving skills and social skills needed to work as a team.

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