Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dr. Young Zhao

The interview with Dr. Young Zhao very interesting to hear. I recall back when I was in undergrad discussing how schools don't match with real life. We are continuing to teach our students the same way they have for years. I think that the investigation approach to math is starting to change the way students learn. With the technology world continuing to grow, we as teachers need to incorporate the skills students are learning outside of the classroom and bring it in. We need to help our students interact globally, and stop focusing on the United States the way we did thirty years ago. The world is changing rapidly, and we are starting to loose our role as a world power. We need to accept change with open arms and start looking to the future and our leaders and policy makers to guide us. Other countries are adopting these changes in this digital, virtual, global world but we are slow to accept these changes.

We, as educators, need to include Technology in the classroom to assist students in becoming creative and thinking more globally. We need to provide them with the ability to think outside of the box and foresee the changes that we are heading towards. They will bet the ones who will eventually be running out country. We need to provide them with the tools to be successful. As I hear more about what foriegn countries are doing for their students, it frightens me to think where we will be in twenty years. I hope that with all of this technology we will be better able to connect with other countries and learn from them on embracing change. We need to look at how our schools are currently setup, and adapt with the way the world is heading.


cholden said...

I agree with your comments and I was thinking about a project I am doing with research right now in our computer lab. Technology is definitely going to help them for the future, but we sometimes miss the fact that is also really fun!! Kids seem to be ravenous for it. When my students come in they get to work right away. They are using the internet and creating powerpoints. They are totally into it. I am comparing this vision of them excited to the sometimes glazed looks that develop when I am having them take notes. It is amazing to see the difference in their attitudes. They are much more willing to try new things when technology is involved.

Anonymous said...

The US has embraced technology, you can see this in the corporate world. It's the educational arena that's having a difficult time embracing this change. Let me be more specific, it's the adults in education that is having a difficult time embracing the era of technology. Most students are already experts with some of these technology tools. Students are very social and love to interact. Students generally think outside the box,but as teachers we draw them into the box stifling their creativity and social interactions. Yes, we need to take the students' technology experiences and connect it to content learning in a global way.