Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Time for Reflection 3

So many new and fun tools for the classroom! Wikis, podcasts,, School 2.0 and Bookmarking are all great tools, and I can't wait to share with my colleagues how advanced I am. This course really showed me how behind I was with what is out there. I was focusing on a website before, and now I have so many more tools that will help with communication between home, school and the community.

As a self-contained teacher, sometimes I feel like I am stuck in the classroom in all content areas. Wikis and blogs create an outlet that allow my students to interact with people everywhere. As I have said in past posts, I am very excited about getting my students more involved with the community. Setting up podcasts, blogs and wikis are among the many things I have planned to connect my students with other members in the community.

These tools are also great tying differentiation into the classroom. Technology provides students with a variety of ways to output information. I think a more modern approach to learning will address those students that are not programmed to sit in a classroom lecture. The tools are made for hands on learning. Thank you for keeping me up with the times!

School 2.0

It is so refreshing to hear that the Department of Education is aware of the need for change in our schools. I am always worried that they are sticking with what we have always done because it is easy. Students have already embraced the change through the technology at home, cell phones, computers, MySpace, etc. It is school that has not caught on and needs to create a learning environment that is relevent to today's global economy.

The cost does seem high to make the changes necessary for School 2.0 to work. As I read in another blog, I like the idea of creating a space in the community with free wi-fi. It does exist in many restaurants and public spaces. It is very difficult as a teacher to rely on email and other online resources when not all students have access to it at home. I know of a few schools that provide all students with laptops, which would be so helpful.

I hope that the country will acknowledge the need for drastic change in American education. The School 2.0 map is an excellent layout to illustrate the possibilities out there for our students.

Dr. Young Zhao

The interview with Dr. Young Zhao very interesting to hear. I recall back when I was in undergrad discussing how schools don't match with real life. We are continuing to teach our students the same way they have for years. I think that the investigation approach to math is starting to change the way students learn. With the technology world continuing to grow, we as teachers need to incorporate the skills students are learning outside of the classroom and bring it in. We need to help our students interact globally, and stop focusing on the United States the way we did thirty years ago. The world is changing rapidly, and we are starting to loose our role as a world power. We need to accept change with open arms and start looking to the future and our leaders and policy makers to guide us. Other countries are adopting these changes in this digital, virtual, global world but we are slow to accept these changes.

We, as educators, need to include Technology in the classroom to assist students in becoming creative and thinking more globally. We need to provide them with the ability to think outside of the box and foresee the changes that we are heading towards. They will bet the ones who will eventually be running out country. We need to provide them with the tools to be successful. As I hear more about what foriegn countries are doing for their students, it frightens me to think where we will be in twenty years. I hope that with all of this technology we will be better able to connect with other countries and learn from them on embracing change. We need to look at how our schools are currently setup, and adapt with the way the world is heading.

Collaborative Project

Kevin Honeycutt's presentation was really great to hear. His delivery was fun and caring at the same time. He is very aware of the way the world works today, and preparing our students for the work place. I like the idea of students leading the project, and the teacher as the facilitator. Providing guidelines to students allows them to discover the information they gather. Today's students are very competitive and it was interesting to hear how the projects brought that out of both teams. Learning to to work together is an important skill to develop in our students. This year I only have two students so it would be difficult to create a project similar to the airplane one, but it would be a great opportunity to co-teach with another class.

I am currently doing a project that my students are working on in math where they are given a problem and need to brainstorm all of the steps to get the output. I am trying to have them figure out how we would order a pizza lunch for the entire school. They need to come up with all of the components needed (ex. number of people, how much food, prices, etc.) These types of projects and approach to learning help students develop the problem solving skills and social skills needed to work as a team.

The Best Tool?

Wow, I've become overwhelmed with ideas for all of the tools we have learned about in this course. I mentioned earlier that I have started to create a website for my classroom, but after viewing a number of wikis created by other course members, I think this is what I want to persue. The wiki has so many options, and I loved seeing the pages run by the students. It is so great how everyone can contribute and be creative with what they use their page for. I would really like to be able to post my calendar and daily assignments for students to view from any where. I am also working with Kevin on a community blog, but we could just have a separate page on the wiki for that project. This will make it easier for the students just having one place to go and have everything right there in front of them. I am anxious to get started!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wiki in the Classroom

Wikis are such a great tool to utilize in the classroom. I really like the how students, parents, and other teachers have the ability to add and obtain information. It was a little confusing to view, especially when people are changing it all of the time. There is a lot of new vocabulary to learn (amazing how technology advances so quickly these days).

I am currently taking a online course that uses a wiki to exchange information and comments on young adult literature. I love that I can go to one place and see what others have to say. It is very easy to add comments. The formatting is organized and the Word like format is easy to use.

I still am a little confused on the plus and minus of both blogs and wikis. I was very impressed with the younger grade levels using the wiki at Village. It is amazing to see how technologically savvy the students are at that age. I would really like to get more active in using this in my classroom to help me to become better acclimated with it.

Video Sharing Sites

I think that video sharing sites are amazing! They really connect people from around the world. I was just reading about how YouTube and other similar sites are allowing people to share their music and short clips that may not get picked up by networks, which allows them to jump start their careers in television and the music industry. It was great to get ideas for lessons and different approaches to topics by watching other teachers. I would love to show some of the clips in my classroom. For example, I am currently discussing advertising with my students. I am definitely going to use the commercial website to show my students different ways commercials address specific groups of people, and why they are successful.

I also find some of these technologies to be a little scary. When I was looking on the TeacherTube website and watching some of the lessons that people have posted, I started thinking how my job may one day be obsolete. Teachers can reach students from around the world without needing a classroom. It reminded me of when I was in high school, there was a language class offered through live video because we did not offer that class at our school. The opportunities are endless! I hope that we do not forget the importance of human contact in this rush for new technology.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blogging in the classroom

Learning about blogging and setting up my own has been exciting and new. I feel like I have come so far with technology. I have started participating in more online activity, like creating my own personal blog. I have even added pictures and music to my personal one. It is such a great way to connect with people from around the world. It is just amazing!

Classroom blogging allows for students to learn and communicate outside of the classroom. After viewing a number of blogs that are school connected, I am amazed at how enthusiastic students are about contributing. I think that newer generations really connect to online technology.

I would really like to have my students use blogging to connect with the Hilton community. I am currently working on a program with a colleague of mine that will use blogging to bring the students together with members of the Hilton community. One idea is to set up a blog and video cam at the library for people to leave messages for my students to respond to.

If you have any other ideas, I would love to hear them!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Welcome fellow bloggers!

This is a monumental moment for me as I have been technologically delayed in the past few years. College kept me in the loop of the newest, coolest way to stay in touch with the rest of the world (myspace, facebook, etc.). Now that I am out I have fallen behind. Thanks to a great course I am taking online, I am slowly getting back into it. I am excited to utilize the great resources I will be introduced to through this course! Keep tuning in to see where I will be in the next few weeks.