Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Time for Reflection 3

So many new and fun tools for the classroom! Wikis, podcasts,, School 2.0 and Bookmarking are all great tools, and I can't wait to share with my colleagues how advanced I am. This course really showed me how behind I was with what is out there. I was focusing on a website before, and now I have so many more tools that will help with communication between home, school and the community.

As a self-contained teacher, sometimes I feel like I am stuck in the classroom in all content areas. Wikis and blogs create an outlet that allow my students to interact with people everywhere. As I have said in past posts, I am very excited about getting my students more involved with the community. Setting up podcasts, blogs and wikis are among the many things I have planned to connect my students with other members in the community.

These tools are also great tying differentiation into the classroom. Technology provides students with a variety of ways to output information. I think a more modern approach to learning will address those students that are not programmed to sit in a classroom lecture. The tools are made for hands on learning. Thank you for keeping me up with the times!


cholden said...

I am excited also to share what I have learned with other people. I feel like I can help them use technology more in their classrooms too. I plan to share what I learned about wikis and blogging with my team. Who knows....maybe we'll even do a teamwide blog or wiki. The possiblities are endless. At the beginning of this class I was thinking that I would be totally lost, but I realized that I shouldn't be afraid to try new things. I was a student starting all over learning something new. It made me think about what it feels like to be a kid in our classrooms learning new material for the first time.

Kevin Markman said...

I think you are right on with differentiation especially for the kids we have and how useful the technology seems to breed differentiation.

I am looking forward to moving the community connections forward. The school 2.0 assignment helped to see how maybe we can really get to that point with these kids even if we take at least a step forward this year.

LadySaint said...

Sarah, I agree with how we are so separated as self-contained classroom teachers. We definitely need to look "out of the box" of our classrooms and explore the limitless possibilities of technology! Good luck!