Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Video Sharing Sites

I think that video sharing sites are amazing! They really connect people from around the world. I was just reading about how YouTube and other similar sites are allowing people to share their music and short clips that may not get picked up by networks, which allows them to jump start their careers in television and the music industry. It was great to get ideas for lessons and different approaches to topics by watching other teachers. I would love to show some of the clips in my classroom. For example, I am currently discussing advertising with my students. I am definitely going to use the commercial website to show my students different ways commercials address specific groups of people, and why they are successful.

I also find some of these technologies to be a little scary. When I was looking on the TeacherTube website and watching some of the lessons that people have posted, I started thinking how my job may one day be obsolete. Teachers can reach students from around the world without needing a classroom. It reminded me of when I was in high school, there was a language class offered through live video because we did not offer that class at our school. The opportunities are endless! I hope that we do not forget the importance of human contact in this rush for new technology.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think teachers will ever be obsolete, but it may be that how we teach and where we teach will move beyond a traditional classroom. :-)